Claymore's Dual Ethereum AMD+NVIDIA GPU Miner

Fastest Ethereum/Ethash miner with lowest devfee

Gtx 1060 3gb for Mining

Since the beginning of 2019, graphics card 1060 3GB have stopped mining coins such as Ethereum and Ethereum Classic. It is worth noting that these were the most popular coins for mining on the 1063 GB series of video cards from Nvidia.

Now, in 2021, owner’s graphics card of 1060 3 GB see fewer and fewer profit coins. But mining in plus is still possible. In this article, you will learn what coins can be extracted profitably on this video card.

Please note that many coins on 1060 3 GB are mined in 0, or an in small plus, so if you want to make a profit, the best option for you is to hold mined coins.


Before you examine the list of coins working on the Ethash algorithm, you need to update Claumore miner to the latest version, because the new version has fixed some bugs and improved performance for Nvidia Gtx 1060 3 GB.

Download the latest version:

Latest version is v15.0 MD5: 0056885E54A3D7B0C254193C71F7F40F *Claymore's Dual Ethereum AMD+NVIDIA GPU Miner v15.0 - (Download for Linux)
Password: claymore (mirror)

Cryptocurrencies for mining

This article will cover popular Ethash coins that are actively traded on the exchange.

Coins such as Musicoin, which can still be mined on 1060 3 GB, will not be considered, since they have almost no trading on exchanges.

Metaverse (ETP)


The first cryptocurrency worth paying attention to is Metaverse. This coin is in the top 150 in terms of capitalization, is well mined at 1060 3 GB, is traded on a large number of exchanges-trading volumes exceed $ 2,104,500 per day.

The Dag size of the Metaverse file in 2021 will not exceed 2.5 GB.

Metaverse is a leading public blockchain based in China. Designed to facilitate low-cost, convenient transfer of digitized personal data and assets with unprecedented security and privacy, Metaverse aims to revolutionize the way financial services and transactions are processed, and to improve outdated and inefficient identity verification services with a network of Digital Assets,​ Digital Identities, and Oracle​ Intermediaries.


Callisto (CLO)


Callisto is also a very good cryptocurrency, which ranks 750th in terms of capitalization. Despite this, the coin is actively traded on several exchanges.

The Dag size of the Callisto file in 2021 will not exceed 2,75 GB.

Callisto Network is a blockchain platform with its own cryptocurrency (CLO) that is based on Ethereum protocol, so any Callisto improvements can be applied to Ethereum Classic. Callisto is NOT a testnet or a hardfork of Ethereum Classic. Callisto Network is developed by Ethereum Commonwealth, one of three ETC development teams.


Ether-1 (ETHO)


Ether-1 takes 1200+ place by capitalization. It has a small trading volume of ~ $ 25,563 per day.

The Dag size of the Ether-1 file in 2021 will not exceed 2,59 GB.

Ether-1 is an Ethereum based blockchain that integrates POW and a two tier masternode system to secure the network. Ether-1 uses the collective power of hundreds of masternodes to power ethoFS, a fully decentralized web/Dapp hosting platform that uses a combination of a blockchain indexing system and the IPFS protocol to deliver decentralized content on-demand.


Expanse (EXP)


Expanse is a very old cryptocurrency of the Ethash algorithm, which ranks 940th in terms of capitalization. The coin entered the market in 2015. The cryptocurrency is traded only on 1 Bittrex exchange, with a trading volume of $ 19,338 per day. On other exchanges, trading is less than $ 100 per day.

The Dag size of the Ether-1 file in 2021 will not exceed 1,99 GB.

Expanse is a decentralized smart contracts platform that is powered by Expanse, the cryptocurrency. This is a blockchain platform that has opened an avenue for anyone to create and use decentralized applications that are built to run on blockchain technology.


Other coins of the Ethash algorithm

Of course, there are a lot of coins that can be mined by 1060 3 GB, even in 2021.

However, the problem with all these coins is that they are not popular, or have very small trading volumes. Here are a few more examples of such coins.

DubaiCoin (DBIX)


DubaiCoin is a coin that entered the market in 2017. The cryptocurrency was very popular in 2018, but after a couple of months of hype, her began to be delisting from exchanges and trading volumes began to fall very much.

Now, at the beginning of 2021, the coin is traded on only 1 exchange with a trading volume of ~ $ 700 per day. DubaiCoin ranks 1210th in terms of capitalization.

The Dag size of the Ether-1 file in 2021 will not exceed 1,28 GB.


Pirl (PIRL)


Coin Pirl is traded on several exchanges. However, there is trading on only one exchange, and it is equal to ~ $ 2000 per day. The coin takes 1090 place in terms of capitalization.

The coin has been trading since 2017.

Pirl's Dag file size in 2021 will exceed 3 GB. You can mine this cryptocurrency on 1060 3 GB until October 2021!


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